Woo Hoo It’s Wednesday

Monday, I drove out to Hawthorne to see the progress that has been made on a house my friends April and Kevin Griffin are building. It was a beautiful day, and I so enjoyed the beauty all around me. I loved seeing what’s been done to the house and sitting on the dock looking out over the lake. I enjoyed talking to my friend and walking around looking at the million plants she has. She is a Master Gardener and knows so much about how much light certain plants need, how much water they need, when to prune, what fertilizer to use, and when they will bloom. Her love for her plants shows. They are beautiful and she is so proud of them.

Our Heavenly Father is our Master Gardener. He knows everything about us and provides all we need. Just like with April’s plants, her oversight and care can make even the most pitiful plant beautiful. (She actually rescued a plant I had and then entered it into the Fair. She won a red ribbon.)  Our Master Gardener provides for us, watches over us, knows when we need to be pruned, loves us, and as a result, we blossom.

John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Let ‘s allow our Master to care for us, knowing we can’t become what He wants us to be on our own. Then, maybe He will be as proud of us as April is of her plants.

Shine, Shine, Shine!
