Woo Hoo Its Wednesday

Can you believe it is already April? Time is flying by.

Mondays devotion in “Jesus Calling” had this to say: “Do not let your to-do list (written or mental) become an idol directing your life.” HA! What is the first thing I do each Monday morning before I start my work week? Write my to-do list! I also have a to-do list for my personal life. And do you know what is one of my favorite things in the world to do? You got it! Cross something off that list.

What caught my attention was the reference to letting my to-do list become an idol directing my life. I can see where that can happen quite easily. Sarah Young suggests further on in that same passage to “let the Holy Spirit guide you moment by moment.” Maybe the first thing on my to-list should be “Follow His lead.”

I will continue to write my to-do list and get excited when I check things off. But I will be sure to not let it become an idol in my life, because I might miss out on something that will bring me great joy. For instance, last Thursday about 11:30 I looked at Lee and asked, “Do you want to drive over to Steinhatchee and have lunch with Kyle?” He had things to do, and I had things to do but we headed to Steinhatchee for lunch. We had an awesome time with Kyle and then got back home in time to do what we needed to get done. Time with my son, priceless. If I had let my list control me, I would have missed out on quality time with Kyle and Lee.

Time is flying by. Make sure you are spending that time wisely.

Shine, Shine, Shine!
